
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Katherine May — ”It’s okay to get on with the business of living.”
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
How do we find and maintain a sense of wonder in a world that's become so unpredictable? Katherine May (author of Wintering and The Electricity of Every Living Thing) tackles this pressing question in her latest book, Enchantment, which is “an invitation to each of us to experience life in all its sensual complexity and to find the beauty waiting for us there.”
Calling upon the natural elements—earth, water, fire, and air—Katherine launches a personal and collective investigation into how we can restore ourselves and restoke imagination. Far from prescriptive, Katherine's work always invites readers to follow their curiosities. To slow down and open themselves up to a process of reflection. As she writes in Enchantment: “When we look for enchantment to give us direct, concrete revelations, we miss the point. It is too big for us to swallow all at once. It teaches us in constellations, and invites us to undertake the slow, lifelong work of assimilating a moment.”
In this interview, Katherine shared more about the process of finding Enchantment, musings on motherhood, and what she's learned about living, working, and creating—both online and off. This episode also opens with a story from Jess Dekker.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/katherine-may/
Learn more about Katherine's work: https://katherine-may.co.uk/
Follow Katherine: https://www.instagram.com/katherinemay_/
Purchase Katherine's books: https://bookshop.org/contributors/katherine-may
Follow Jess: https://www.instagram.com/jessdekkerreads/

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tembe Denton-Hurst — ”Growing isn’t always in the big moments.”
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
The world can learn a lot from Tembe Denton-Hurst—like how to tell a story and, perhaps more importantly, how to tell the truth. She does this and more in her stunning debut novel, Homebodies, which “is a testament to those trying to be heard and loved in a world that refuses to make space.”
In this electric story, readers follow Mickey Hayward, a writer in New York navigating the crossroads of personal, professional, and romantic tumult. After an unjust, devastating job loss, Mickey takes the reigns by crafting a letter detailing the racism and sexism she's faced as a Black woman in media. But when the letter goes unanswered, in tandem with rising tensions in her relationship, Mickey finds herself paralyzed with doubt and uncertainty. Seeking reprieve, the mounting pressure culminates in Mickey's return to her hometown.
Page after page, Tembe takes us through Mickey's past and present milestones, and as we get to know Mickey's world, readers can't help but wonder: What does it mean to truly feel at home in our lives—and ourselves?
In this interview, Tembe shared more about her life as a writer, her evolving definition of ambition, and the idea of legacy on and off the page. This episode also opens with a story by Emma Leokadia of Girls on the Page.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/tembe-denton-hurst
Learn more about Tembe's work: https://tembedentonhurst.com/
Follow Tembe: https://instagram.com/tembae/
Purchase Homebodies: https://bookshop.org/p/books/homebodies-tembe-denton-hurst/19218543?ean=9780063274280/
Learn more about Emma's work: https://www.girlsonthepage.com/
Follow Emma: https://www.instagram.com/girlsonthepage/

Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Who are you when no one is looking? This question came to mind when reading Allie Rowbottom's incisive debut novel, Aesthetica.
The story follows Anna, a former Instagram celebrity, on her path of reflection and redemption as she seeks to undergo a high-risk elective surgery called Aesthetica™, which is said to “reverse all her past plastic surgery procedures, returning her, she hopes, to a truer self.”
As readers bounce between Anna's past and present, Allie paints a nuanced portrait of a woman stepping into herself while considering her relationship with fame, family, and the trappings of a landscape predicated on image and youth. In this interview, Allie shared more about why Aesthetica is a continued conversation from her memoir JELL-O Girls, her thoughts on privacy and pace, and embracing womanhood. This episode also opens with a story by Dakota Bossard.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/allie-rowbottom
Learn more about Allie's work: https://allierowbottom.com/
Follow Allie: https://www.instagram.com/allierowbottom/
Purchase Aesthetica: https://bookshop.org/p/books/aesthetica-allie-rowbottom/18180848?ean=9781641294003
Follow Dakota: https://tiktok.com/@dakotabossard

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Ross Gay — ”There’s always a gathering inside of us.”
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
To hold joy in your hand means to honor sadness in your heart, for the two are inextricable. This sentiment is one that many of us will recognize after a prolonged period of chaos and transformation. But for poet and author Ross Gay, studying these modes has paved the way for art that will stand the test of time. Enter Inciting Joy, Ross's latest essay collection, which “considers the joy we incite when we care for each other, especially during life's inevitable hardships.”
Through lenses like gardening and grief, Ross charts a loving exploration into what it means to connect in a world that challenges our time, attention, and hope. In this interview, Ross shared more about writing and re-encountering his life, the joys and lessons of aging, and the importance of change and curiosity. This episode also opens with a story from Caro, a multidisciplinary craft artist based in Los Angeles, California.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/ross-gay
Learn more about Ross's work: https://www.rossgay.net/
Purchase Ross's books: https://bookshop.org/contributors/ross-gay
Learn more about Caro's work: http://carolinerosoff.com/
Follow Caro: https://www.instagram.com/carolinerosoff

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Tarajia Morrell — ”We imagine our future, our family, ourselves.”
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
From Chopped to Top Chef to restaurant dreams, Fatima Ali's star was on the rise. But after a devastating cancer diagnosis upended her plans, the young chef vowed to experience all she could with the time she had left. Yet as her illness suddenly worsened, Fatima pivoted once again, this time turning to the page as a place to reflect on her identity, food, family, and life. The result is Savor, a collection of intimate vignettes from Fatima and her mother guided by collaborator Tarajia Morrell, whose editorial prowess and shared values helped bring Fatima's story to book form.
Like Fatima, Tarajia's appreciation for gathering around a table has informed how she moves through the world. And her own story of creativity, resilience, and love reaffirms a universal truth: There is so much to savor when we pay attention to the things that connect us most.
In this interview, Tarajia shared more about her time with Fatima, telling stories in the digital age, and what she's learned about motherhood, love, and loss. This episode also opens with a story by Jenna Matecki.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/tarajia-morrell
Learn more about Tarajia's work: https://www.tarajiamorrell.com/
Follow Tarajia: http://www.instagram.com/tarajiamorrell
Purchase SAVOR: https://bookshop.org/p/books/savor-a-chef-s-hunger-for-more-fatima-ali/18069623
Learn more about Jenna's work: http://jennamatecki.com/
Follow Jenna: https://www.instagram.com/jennamatecki/

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
How do you define beauty? Where does beauty come from? Why is beauty important? For Ella Frances Sanders, these questions take center stage in her latest book, Everything, Beautiful, an artful guide that encourages readers to “find hidden beauty in the world.”
With elegant prose and calming illustrations, Everything, Beautiful provokes deeper inquiry into how we've come to understand beauty and our potential to see it anew. But off the page, Ella also understands that it can be difficult to envision where beauty fits into our demanding schedules, grief, and longing. Ultimately, Everything, Beautiful makes the case to pay attention to and embrace the little things—even when it seems impossible.
In this interview, Ella shared more about her path to making Everything, Beautiful, how beauty manifests for her online and offline, and the importance of reflecting on questions and answers. This episode also opens with a story by Tree Abraham.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/ella-frances-sanders
Learn more about Ella's work: https://www.ellafrancessanders.com/
Purchase EVERYTHING, BEAUTIFUL: https://bookshop.org/p/books/everything-beautiful-a-guide-to-finding-hidden-beauty-in-the-world-ella-frances-sanders/17776858?ean=9780143137061
Follow Ella: https://www.instagram.com/ellafsanders/
Learn more Tree's work: https://www.treeabraham.com/
Purchase CYCLETTES: https://bookshop.org/p/books/cyclettes-tree-abraham/18365484?ean=9781951213626
Follow Tree: https://www.instagram.com/treexthree/

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Think about the places you frequent most. What’s the experience like? How does it make you feel? How are you connecting? And who are you connecting with? Whether online or offline, Naj Austin has been exploring these questions through her visionary endeavors, which include Ethel’s Club and, most recently, Somewhere Good, an “audio platform for intimate community conversations.”
With its distinct, design-driven app and a growing suite of partnerships and offline offerings, Somewhere Good is poised to become a leader in how we can authentically connect in our complex digital age. For Naj, shifting away from scrolling our feed and moving towards feeding our relationships remains a through-line. And with that mission comes recalibrating how we pay attention to ourselves—and each other.
In this interview, Naj shared more about the role of slowness and solitude in her work, her relationship with listening, and the importance of community participation. This episode also opens with a story from Amy Snook.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/naj-austin
Learn more about Naj's work: https://najaustin.com/
Follow Naj: https://www.instagram.com/najaustin/?hl=en
Learn more Amy's work: https://www.pareastudios.com/parea-books
Follow Amy: https://www.instagram.com/asnooks/?hl=en

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Kayla Maiuri — ”Fiction teaches us so much about reality.”
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
What we leave behind can still shape what moves us forward. This idea is at the core of Kayla Maiuri's poignant debut novel, Mother in the Dark.
In this quietly captivating story, readers follow Anna, a young woman who finds herself at a crossroads as her complicated past converges with the present. As Anna's family life unfurls, we meet various characters who inspire deeper reflection about what it means to be a daughter, sister, and friend.
For Kayla, fiction is a lens to understand reality, and her book is a powerful reminder not to turn away from the people we love. In this interview, Kayla shared more about the origins of this story, her relationship with nature, and what she's learned about family, leaving, and time. This episode also opens with a story by Kate Litterer.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/kayla-maiuri
Learn more about Kayla's work: https://www.kaylamaiuri.com/
Purchase MOTHER IN THE DARK: https://bookshop.org/p/books/mother-in-the-dark-kayla-maiuri/20078457?ean=9780593083291
Follow Kayla: https://www.instagram.com/kaylajosefine/
Learn more Kate's work: https://katehenry.com/
Purchase TEND TO IT: https://bookshop.org/p/books/tend-to-it-a-holistic-guide-to-intentional-productivity-kate-litterer/16072031?ean=9781735802206
Follow Kate: https://www.instagram.com/thetendingyear/

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Jon Staff — ”Our words matter, and our lack of words matter.”
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
This is your sign to take a break. Step outside, and feel the delicate earth beneath your feet. Stretch your arms towards the sky, and put your phone in your pocket. Whether you're a city dweller or beach-goer, the great outdoors is closer than you think—but no matter where you are, one idea endures: when we disconnect from our devices, the world opens itself up to us in magical ways. For Getaway Founder and CEO Jon Staff, this idea has gradually become second nature.
Founded with the belief that "free time should be a right and a ritual for everyone," Getaway cabins offer visitors the chance to escape, replenish, and slow down. But as the leader of a business whose mission is to help others ultimately do nothing, Jon is putting everything into creating a brand that embodies its values—inside and out, online and off.
In this interview, Jon shared more about redefining escape, his relationship with writing, what technology gives and takes from us, and the magic of doing nothing. This episode also opens with a story by today's partner (Pablo Carrascal of) Ostrichpillow.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/jon-staff
Learn more about Getaway: https://getaway.house/
Purchase Jon's book: https://bookshop.org/p/books/getting-away-75-everyday-practices-for-finding-balance-in-our-always-on-world-jon-staff/13584980
Follow Getaway: https://www.instagram.com/getawayhouse/
Learn more about Ostrichpillow: https://ostrichpillow.com/
Follow Ostrichpillow: https://www.instagram.com/ostrichpillowofficial/

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Lisa Taddeo — ”I’ve been there, and you’re not alone.”
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Let's start with a simple truth: Lisa Taddeo's work is anything but slow. Time and time again, her readers are pulled into honest—devastating—examinations of rage, grief, and what it means to be a person in the world. From her acclaimed work of nonfiction, Three Women, to her unforgettable debut novel Animal, Lisa's writing is not merely an invitation into a story but a rallying cry to recognize the full scope of the human experience. The same can be said for her latest book, Ghost Lover, a collection of stories that “brings to life the fever of obsession, the blindness of love, and the mania of grief.”
For Lisa, life moves quickly, especially now. But her enduring exploration of grief creates space to talk about the (often) slow process of overcoming heartbreak or pain. And because of this, her stories stay with you long after the last page. In this interview, Lisa shared more about the pace that drives her practice, why she's drawn to short stories, and what she's learned from writing about people. This episode also opens with a reading by Francesca Giacco.
Episode Transcript: https://slowstoriespodcast.com/lisa-taddeo
Learn more about Lisa's work: https://www.lisataddeo.com/
Purchase Lisa's books: https://bookshop.org/search?keywords=lisa+taddeo
Follow Lisa: https://www.instagram.com/lisadtaddeo/
Learn more about Francesca's work: https://francescagiacco.com/
Purchase SIX DAYS IN ROME: https://bookshop.org/p/books/six-days-in-rome-francesca-giacco/18785655
Follow Francesca: https://www.instagram.com/fegiacco/